Who Says A Fish Can’t Sell?: True Tales From Top Salespeople
The sales profession has been around roughly since the stone age. Archeologists have traced hunters trading for the best flint weapons and tools. No wonder that sales have long been studied, analyzed, and popularized in movies and literature—from “The Music Man” to “Death of a Salesman.” In “Who Says A Fish Can’t Sell?” Jim shares what qualities shape a great salesperson through stories about memorable catches and the ones that got away.
NOTE: Jim’s 7-year-old grandson drew the fish on the cover!
Lunch & Learns 2020
Our L&L theme for 2020 is “Inspiring Authors.” Each month, we’ll welcome guests who help authors by sharing what they K.N.O.W.: K is for Knowledge, N is for New Ideas, O is for Opportunities for Success, and W is for Wisdom Shared.
Let’s face it . . . authors are writers and are typically afraid of the word “sales.” How can we be more at ease with “Sales” and sell more books? . . .
Join Cathy as she and author Jim Cornbleet discuss all things “Sales” on Thursday, January 23, 2020, at 11:30 am Central.