I had lunch last week with a friend who was on the tail-end of recovering from a viral bug, and was still lamenting over having lost her voice for about a week. She commented on how the experience helped her realize how important it was to HAVE A VOICE . . . to have an opinion and to speak it.
Not one to let a blatant metaphor pass me by, I commented on the irony . . . especially at a time in our culture when 100’s, if not 1000’s, if not hundreds-of-thousands of women are FINDING THEIR VOICE, it struck me even deeper that a tiny viral bug still manages to silence a few . . . even if momentarily.
It got us talking about WHAT (or WHO) was really “bugging” the women in our world today. At a time when many women are finding their voice, most of those same women are also reaching out and forming alliances for healing . . . almost like an invisible (and perhaps invincible) safety-net for each other and their respective communities.
Now is the time to let your voice be heard.

Much like our client, Latariss Williams, who knew a LOT about being a single parent and knew it was time to share that knowledge with others in her book, “S.P.I.L.L.: Single Parents Instilling Love & Legacy”. Through her experiences in raising her son, Latariss shares candid stories and provides practical guidance to help other single parents build strong relationships with their children and develop deep, lasting family values. You will be inspired to be intentional about pouring your love and your values into your children to strengthen your family. Click on the book image to order!
Not sure where to start?
We can help with that. As professional brand and publishing consultants, we help you identify your voice, share it with the world, and monetize your passion.
So, if you are ready to share your voice . . . your knowledge . . . your opinion . . . and would like to learn more about how we can help, give me a call.