I’ve been working with a client, Claire, who is positively in LOVE with what she does and absolutely KNOWS her topic.
. . . and THAT’S when the magic happens!
You see, we don’t work with just any body.
We work with people who are ready to
make a positive difference in this world.
Hearts, Darts, and Thunderbolts make the magic happen.
HEARTS. Our clients see the craziness we are living in right now and make it their personal mission to take a stand, lend a hand, and make a difference. They do not define nor segregate themselves by race, religion or nationality. They are global thinkers, feelers, healers, and helpers. Much like Claire, their passion is to UNITE, not divide.
She engages with HEART.
DARTS. Claire hired us to guide her through our Maximum-Impact PASSION, PURPOSE, & PROFIT Brand Program because she is ready to use her gifts to create meaningful change in the world. She recognizes it is time to take her business to the next level in order to make that happen. After helping her identify her purpose and clarify her target audience, she is ready to take aim and help more people using her unique set of talents and gifts.
She focuses and becomes the DART.
THUNDERBOLTS. The thunderbolts are the “aha moments” generated by our process. A thunderbolt moment usually comes with goosebumps and/or a quick breath of recognition that you are on the right path! Walking our clients through our PASSIONATE BRAND INTERVIEW is always an exciting time for each of us. Our interaction takes us down the path of discovery, releases “chaos, clutter, and confusion” and replaces it with “clarity, confidence, and connection.” As the thunderbolt “AHA” moments increase in frequency—much like the after-effects of a rainstorm—Claire becomes ever-more excited as the “old” washes away.
She welcomes the enlightenment which comes with a THUNDERBOLT.
Are you ready for Hearts, Darts & Thunderbolts?!
If you are like Claire and are ready to monetize your passion . . .
let’s schedule a time to talk.
I’d LOVE to show you how to take your helping, healing,
and transformational business to the next level.