Davis Creative Publishing

Passion. Purpose. Prosperity.

Curious thing.

I happened to notice one day, a few years ago . . . our clients who were led by their passion, and found a way to monetize that passion, were those who were reaping the rewards of a growing business.

Welcome to the new world of business. It doesn’t matter if you are tech-based, bio-based or help-based — if your heart is in your business, odds are in your favor for success to find you.

Many of our clients have built businesses based on self-help. Most have evolved as a result of a major life event, such as downsizing or illness. Meet Linda C. Hillsman, author of A Blanket of Hope Through Faith & Fitness: Surviving the Journey of Breast Cancer.  Linda is a Certified Personal Trainer and a breast cancer survivor since 2002. After her mastectomy, she was faced with the challenge of regaining range of motion to the affected side of her body. Hard work and determination helped Linda overcome her physical obstacles. She brings this passion for remaining healthy and fit, and shares her knowledge with her personal training clients. A Blanket of Hope Through Faith & Fitness was written to offer support to women suffering from breast cancer and to encourage them to rely upon their faith — much like a blanket of hope. You can purchase Linda’s book here.


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