So many of our clients are building their businesses around their passion.
For Kim, that means building CONFIDENCE in young women — starting here, in metro St. Louis!
Meet Kim Bolourtchi — attorney, competitive Latin dancer, Zumba and dance instructor, and Mom of two (an 11 and a 13-year-old). When not working at the St. Louis law firm she co-founded with her husband, Kim is building her new business, “Project be Confident” by offering empowerment workshops around the metro St. Louis area for grades 3 thru 12 girls.
Project BE Confident is a unique (and FUN) girls’ empowerment program that changes lives. Girls who have attended are walking away feeling inspired, stronger, and a lot clearer in how to deliver credible, powerful messages. They are embracing their uniqueness and listening to their own voices. They are a lot clearer in how to respond in morally murky waters, and clearer about how to stand up for themselves and each other. They leave standing taller, smiling bigger, and projecting confidence.
With a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication emphasizing non-verbal communication and public speaking, Kim started Project Be Confident to inspire, encourage and empower pre-teen through adult women to fearlessly BE Bold, BE Strong, BE Confident as they embrace:
- Bold Communication
- Strong Relationships
- Confident Movement
Teen self esteem is at an all time low. Kim is doing something about it!
To learn more about Project Be Confident Summer Programs and schedules in the St. Louis Metro area, visit the website HERE.