LETTING GO of what
no longer works for you
can be the catalyst to
finding what you DO want.

“. . .  as she closed the book of her old life —
sighing relief as she finally let go — she carved a
path to a new beginning, writing a new chapter.
The uneasy feeling of change soon faded away,
and for the first time in a while, her soul felt free.”

— Peta Ramia —


As we release our old stories, we make room
in our lives to reclaim our power.

Life “happens,” either to us or for us.

We react or respond at any given moment; we get to decide.
At some point, we tire of blaming others for where we are in life
and choose to take charge and create the life we want.

If you are ready to reimagine your life and
let go of the “HE DID, SHE SAID” stories, join us . . .

Thursday, February 29, 2:00 pm – 3:15pm CST

Attendees must pre-register to receive the Zoom Link.


Get ready to shift your life to a new, happier, more abundant level . . .

• Reflect on where you are on the Renew Wheel
• Rewrite that old story by shifting your perspective
• Renew your commitment to yourself to be the “Best Me that I Can Be”

You’ve always had a higher calling.
It’s time to stop the struggle and embrace your brilliance.

"I was supposed to be in a weight-lifting class. I wasn’t even supposed to BE in Release the Struggle/Rewrite Your Story workshopI had forgotten I signed up. And yet, the Universe, once more, knew what was right for me. When we ask the Universe, “HOW am I stuck?” and “For what purpose?” then keep our eyes OPEN — the answers start coming. We just have to be ready for them. I released stories that were NOT mine. It was kind of like using a magic wand. Gaining clarity. And doing the work to get UNSTUCK. And I took my power back. With a magic wand, Golden Thread, and the help of The Renewal Wheel. Thank you, Cathy Davis and Derlene Hirtz, for this AHA moment. Expect Good. Sparkle On. Defy Gravity. Release and Rewrite your story.

Pam Wilson —


Attendees must pre-register to receive the Zoom Link.


Derlene Hirtz
Helping you Retrain Your Brain for Success.
Cathy Davis
Helping you become the Author of Your Life.
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