Davis Creative Publishing

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Tribute

It was the 1950s. Ruth Bader Ginsburg graduated from Cornell University in 1954, finishing first in her class. After attending Harvard Law School as a new mom, she graduated from Columbia Law School in NY in 1959 (also first in her class). I was 3-years-old with a 13-year-old brother and a 15-year-old sister. Our mother struggled with the stigma of being a newly-single, working Mom.

In the mid-1960s I attended grade school in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Never one to be a math wiz, I remember asking my teacher for help on a math problem. After a few minutes of trying to help me, I heard the older male teacher say, “Never mind, honey – you won’t need math when you grow up. Just be sure to marry someone who can do it for you.”

In the early 1970s, we had Kent State. Watergate. Roe vs Wade. Vietnam.

The male/female roles in our society were starting to change, in spite of what my old math teacher believed. We were living in a changing world and it was a very confusing time to be a female – especially for a female teen in America.

  • At age 15, I was the first female student “allowed” to take a Drafting/Architectural Drawing class in my high school.
  • At age 16, after “acing” the Red Cross Lifeguard course and test, I was turned down over the phone (as in, sight-unseen) for a Summer job because, “We only hire male lifeguards.”
  • At age 17, I was invited to attend Yale University, as one of the FIRST female incoming freshmen to attend that college.

I went to college (not Yale) in the mid-1970s. Little did I know, that behind the scenes was a petite female firecracker, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Attorney at Law, well on her way to making an impact on the societal landscape — busily creating the stepping-stones used by many of us to get to where we are today.





Ruth Bader Ginsburg was more than a Supreme Court Judge…she was a leading lady who left her mark on law, feminism, and everyday life. From gender equality and employment rights to the separation of church and state, RBG left her stamp of approval — or dissent — on our culture. After 27 years serving as a justice on the Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on September 18, 2020. Her legacy continues through the lives that countless Americans are able to live today.

RBG took the “sting” out of “interesting” and embedded a societal INTEREST in creating a level playing field in the workplace, in finance, and in daily living. Mutual respect between males and females became a cultural undercurrent and women gained the confidence to begin standing up for themselves.

Honor yourself and women across America . . . join our tribute to
Ruth Bader Ginsberg and share YOUR story in our next anthology,
“Living My tRuth: Personal Reflections on the Impact of the RBG Legacy.”



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