“It’s not how well your book sells . . .
It’s ALL about how well your book sells YOU!”
I heard myself say it again, today, while on a call with another new author/client.
Your non-fiction book is a MARKETING TOOL. Much like the old 3-panel brochure or sales-sheet, your book is a way for potential clients to get to know you better . . . becoming a foundation of the “KNOW, LIKE, TRUST” model of engagement.
Please do not expect your book to fund your retirement or replace your monthly income. Whatever book sales you generate are more like getting sprinkles on your cupcake. The cupcake (your business) needs to exist so the sprinkles (your book sales) have a place to land. You’ll go hungry if you expect to just eat the sprinkles.

If you are ready to learn more about how to add sprinkles to your business through the power of self-publishing, we can help.
If you are in the business of helping others, let us help YOU share YOUR story. There is SO much more to self-publishing a book than ink on paper! Our clients reach out to us when they are ready to minimize their investment, maximize their return, and avoid self-publishing pitfalls.
We help you complete your book at YOUR pace — no matter
where you are in the writing process — and your book will
where you are in the writing process — and your book will
rival those produced by traditional publishers.
If you are in St. Louis, and you’d like to learn more about the wild-wild-world of self-publishing, join me . . .
Saturday, March 3, 2018, for our workshop, “Self Publishing 101: Creating a Magnetic Brand through the Power of Publishing” at the Center for Spiritual Living, 12875 Fee Fee Rd, St. Louis 63146. No fee, but Love Offering welcome (proceeds benefit CSL)
Monday, March 12th, I will be speaking at Fred Miller’s monthly “No Sweat Public Speaking” Meet-Up at Medici Media Space. Register HERE.