WOWO: Weirded Out & Waiting it Out? Are you curled up in a fetal position binge-watching Netflix or Disney (my fav), just waiting to see what happens next?
FAMA: Fearlessly in Action to Manifest & Attract? Are you in action? From what I see, those service professionals and small businesses who have continued to take action, be visible, and reach out to their “tribe” are “stirring up” new business.
If you’ve been WOWO and hiding, no one will know if you are still here.
So . . . it got me to thinking . . . Have I been TOO busy in FAMA . . . have I been making good use of my time during Shelter in Place? Will I be able to look back on this quarantine and feel like I have made the best use of my time?
Have I taken the time to . . .
- CONNECT with my family? We intentionally created a Sunday Zoom Dinner with my daughter, her husband, and their two littles. We talk, we eat, we play games . . . it’s been fun! I miss not being able to celebrate milestones in traditional ways (birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc. – and HUGS!), but this time gives us the opportunity to “create” new ways of celebrating!
- ORGANIZE my life? We’ve been addressing our “Do-It-Laters” . . . What may have been a to-do on a backburner, or a “when I have time” idea, has been brought to the forefront and made a priority. Both business and personal projects have been re-evaluated and re-prioritized. It feels good to be checking things off my list. There are even a few drawers and cabinets which have been decluttered, and a “GIVE” box has been filling up with items to donate to charity. We got notice today that Large Item Pick-Up will be restarting in July . . . got a pile ready to go! Now to check on the electronics recycling . . .
- WRITE in my journal or start that book I’ve been thinking about? I’ll admit . . . I did start a journal about 12 weeks ago . . . it has two entries . . . I need to make a commitment or let it go. I’ve been nudging our authors to write about their quarantine experiences . . . I should listen to myself!
- PLAN? I’m a right-brain creative who also likes to PLAN. That means LOTS of ideas for projects . . . which must have lists . . . which must get checked off (eventually). Planning helps me feel organized, which leads to less stress. I LIKE less stress. Do what gives you JOY (and less stress!).
The last 12 weeks have been a great reminder for me to focus on INTENTION and RELEASE. To let go of all those things that WERE NOT working well, and to intentionally focus on creating better ways of living, working, and loving.
Feel free to join me in FAMA . . . we can support each other!
PS: Thank you, Jason Bowman, for inspiring me to think
about these things with your Quarantine To-Do List.