Woman Power: The Rise of the Sheconomy
Published: Monday, November 22, 2010
Everyone knows, or has long suspected, that the purse strings are held by women. It’s oft repeated that they make 85% of the buying decisions or are the chief purchasing officers of their households. The difference today – one that has enormous consequences across global economies – is that women are also the earners. In October 2009, the U.S. workforce became nearly half female: women held 49.9% of all nonfarm labor jobs and 51.5% of high-paying management and professional positions, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is not likely to be a blip. For every two guys who graduate from college or get a higher degree, three women do. This is almost the exact opposite of the graduation ratio that existed when the baby boomers entered college. (read more here).
(Watch TIME’s video “The 25 Most Powerful Women of the 20th Century.”)