In the 1991 movie, “LA Story”, Steve Martin plays a wacky weatherman who struggles to make sense of the strange world of Los Angeles in the early 1990’s with the help of a talking freeway billboard.
If only it were that easy to see the “signs”.
I’ve always wanted to believe those same signs could to talk to ME. When LIFE gets crazy on the macro level – whether I’m juggling several projects or simply frustrated with the discouraging political climate — it can easily affect my personal (micro level) perspective on life. I’m constantly looking for “signs” to help me navigate life and help me make those “next best step” decisions. And, yes, I’ll admit it . . . I’ve even looked at the highway signs, hoping they would magically send me the message I needed to see at that moment.
When someone recently asked me, “How do you stay ‘in the flow’?”, I answered, “I read. I listen to audio books. I listen to music. I listen to the silence. I watch sunsets. I watch for the full moon. I read license plates. I look for signs. I happen to believe the Universe drops ‘bread crumbs’ of clues – AKA: ‘signs’ for me to follow.”
I just need to be awake enough to notice,
mindful enough to make the connection, and
trusting enough to relax and move forward.
I got a sign!
We had another round of tumultuous storms last week in STL, with power outages affecting the internet, creating havoc in our otherwise typical work day. Thankfully we had electricity, but no internet or cable service to run the office. I could feel the sense of frustration mounting, as I had several proposals to send out via email. How was I supposed to meet my self-imposed sales goal for this month if I couldn’t follow up?! Debating with myself in my head about leaving to go find a coffee shop with internet vs. waiting it out, I walked by the cable box in the bedroom and saw this . . .
Hunt? Hunt for what?! Hunt for new clients?
Hunt for a coffee shop? Hunt for a solution?
As I walked back into the office, still contemplating the pros-and-cons of the local coffee shop, Jack announced he had found a temporary solution by setting up his cell phone as a “hot spot”. He showed me how to do the same, and we proceeded to “hop on-and-off” the internet through our data plan (carefully trying to not over-use it). I was able to send the emails I absolutely-positively needed to get out that morning (and I avoided the crowds at the coffee shop – YAY).
Now, in all fairness, Jack was probably already working on the solution BEFORE I saw the message from the cable box . . . but I still like to believe my electronics talk to me. Maybe it was simply trying to tell me that Jack was already “on the hunt”.
Sometimes we don’t even know what we are “hunting for” until we find ourselves amidst the HUNT.