No thank you.
Not gonna happen.
I’m busy right now.

Last week brought another opportunity for me to turn down an author’s request to work with us. Although the book may have had merit for a very small audience of aging “Mad Men,” it was not the type of book I could get behind and allow myself to support. As we are discussing the project, I pull the book up on Amazon, and I immediately KNOW my answer will be “NO.” My brain begins to circle around possible exit strategies as I hear the person on the other end of the phone continue to ramble about why we should help them rebrand and market their book.
Uh . . . No.
No thank you.
Not gonna happen.
It’s simply not a good fit.
I’m averaging about one of these opportunities a month, lately. As I get more comfortable with saying “No,” I’m also noticing an increase in the types of clients we LOVE to work with showing up out of “NO-where” (or is that NOW HERE?!).
connect people, create community and contribute to
an overall happy, healthy, heart-filled planet.
division, isolation and separation.