In the 1990’s, we had “IDENTITY”. In the 21st century, the word “Brand” has become the buzz-word – the “catch-all” phrase – for marketing one’s business. At it’s core, it begs the answer to the question, “Who are you and why are you here”? Brand Experts can be found on just about every corner of the Universe – each defining “brand” in their own way. SO, how DO you identify the best branding counsel for you/your business?
- Experience – Rely on those who have worked in branding and marketing for more than a “few years”; avoid those who have added “branding” as a means to expand their other core services
- Effectiveness – Whose identity do you admire? – Ask them for a referral. If you admire a national brand, it’s fine to follow their example – emulate, but don’t copy.
- Expertise – If the wheels on your car are out of alignment, you take it to a car care professional; if your brand identity is out of focus, you seek out a reputable brand professional