Publishing Services


It’s not about how well your book sells . . .

it’s ALL about how well your book SELLS YOU!©

As your professional publishing partner, we act as your ghost-publisher, guiding you through the self-publishing process and helping you establish your Author-as-Publisher status. This ensures you retain 100% of your profits, access global distribution, and avoid self-publishing pitfalls. 

With over 500 books in our portfolio, including over 25 anthologies, our book designs rival those produced by the top five publishing houses. Over 1500 authors from our solo books and anthologies have experienced our publishing process, with over 300 authors becoming Amazon Bestselling Authors. 

No matter where you are on your journey, our publishing consultants, writing coaches, editors, proofreaders, book designers, illustrators, and marketing experts are here to help you cross the finish line!

Our book pricing begins at $3,700 for our DynaMighty Mini Books, which does not include distribution.

Depending upon your need for a Writing Coach, Editor, or proofreader, your budget can expand accordingly. Once you add in book design and distribution, your budget may increase to $5,000+.

Be watching for additional information on our solo-book programs, which will soon include new marketing and promotion options!

for additional details and options.

CONTACT CATHY HERE to discuss pricing on
Children’s Books and other book genres.

Contact CATHY with any questions and to
reserve your spot in our lineup!





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