You have watched the frustration of other authors as they continue to get agent rejections, and you are tired of waiting.
It’s really not that difficult, especially when you work with a mentor who has helped authors across the globe write, design, and publish over 200 books. No matter where you are on our publishing journey, we can help you, too.
- POLISH. Your manuscript should be completed and polished. Whether your book is merely an idea, or you’ve barely started, or you have a completed manuscript, our vetted team of ghostwriters, writing coaches, editors, and proofreaders stand ready to help you polish your book, no matter where you are in the writing process.
- PLAN. In the world of Authors-as-Publishers, not only do we help you think through the planning of the business structure for your publishing company, we help you identify and develop your Author Brand Platform. We want you to start thinking NOW about how to promote and market your book – not wait until you have your printed book in hand to ask about marketing.
- PRODUCE. You’ll need to decide how to produce your book – if your book will be shared with the world as an e-book, paperback, hardback, and/or audiobook. We discuss the pros, cons, and cost of each method and help you with pricing and distribution options. Our seasoned professional book designers help you with color, fonts, images and more. We make sure your cover and interiors not only help sell the book but make it easy to read so the reader finishes the book and gives you a great review!
- PUBLISH. There is SO MUCH more to self-publishing than merely getting your book on Amazon. We educate you on the best industry practices and align you with optimized global distribution resources. You no longer need to print thousands (nor hundreds) of books to get the best pricing and printing.
- PROMOTE. The marketing message for your book begins while your book is in editing. By the time you are having your first order of books printed, your message becomes one of celebration! Based upon your plans and budget, by this stage, we have introduced you to vetted resources who can help with everything from websites, social media, and events to Amazon Bestseller Campaigns and national publicity.
As Concierge Publishing Consultants, our book designs rival those produced by any of the top five publishing houses. With hundreds of books in our portfolio to-date, we help you retain 100% of your profits, access global distribution, and avoid self-publishing pitfalls. We specialize in helping non-fiction authors, specifically the HELPERS, HEALERS, and the HOW-TO-DO-ers. We are also well-known for producing children’s books, memoirs, cookbooks, workbooks, novels, and young adult fiction novels.