Davis Creative Publishing


Stop playing small. You know you don’t want to.

You KNOW you are ready to play BIGGER.

And remember . . .

It’s not about WHAT is holding you back . . . it’s all about WHO is holding you back.

YOU are the only thing holding yourself back.

I’ve been there . . . and I recently went there again . . . only long enough to recognize the landscape, turn my tuchus around, and high-tail it back to where I needed to be.

Funny thing about the Universe . . . once you finally claim what you want, and start making steps toward that goal, the Universe finds ways to support you . . . and magically, everything you need (yes, even including the $$) starts to appear out of nowhere.


JOIN ME and at least 20 other authors in the 2020 “Fearless and Fabulous” anthology. You only need to write ONE chapter . . . that’s ALL (and we help you write it)!

There are only 6 spots left . . . and one of them has your name on it.

Join us before March 1 and save $250!

Read through the details HERE.

Questions? Reach out to Cathy for the answers.


Now is the time to add “Published Author” to your accomplishments.
NO . . . WAIT! Now is the time to add “Amazon Bestselling Author” to your accomplishments.

Contact Cathy to reserve your chapter.

You deserve it.

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