I love Spring. Clearing out the garden each year has always been very much a welcome, meditative practice for me . . . a process of cleaning out the old, dead leaves and making room for the new growth to sprout forth.
I look forward to digging in the dirt each Spring and “grounding” myself with Mother Earth. Especially this year, with everyone being quarantined and isolated, I can’t wait to get out and play in the flower beds around my home.
Perhaps the virus is part of the process of releasing the “old world” . . . releasing all those things that are not really working, but we just kept putting up with . . . like a half-broken toaster, a passive-aggressive client, or a bad habit.
As I look forward to the rebirth of the “new world” (post-virus), I’ve decided to plant some new SEEDS for myself . . .
- S = Slow down, lighten up, let it go. Give myself some credit and give others the benefit of the doubt. It’s OK to be human.
- E = Express gratitude daily (and often). Gratitude leads to more things to be grateful for.
- E = “Everything is always working out for me” . . . say it whenever I feel stressed.
- D = Don’t give up on my day-dream. This period is simply one chapter . . . not the whole book.
- S = Support others and be of service whenever/wherever I can.
What SEEDS are you planting this Spring?
As we anxiously await the return to our new normal, I challenge you to let go of all that has not been working for you, nor supporting your “best” YOU. I’d love to hear about the SEEDS you are planting!