Davis Creative Publishing

Price Your Book on V.A.L.U.E.

“How do I price my book?”
is one of the most-asked questions we hear.

We all want to share our message with our audience, and we all want our audience to buy our books. Just PLEASE don’t plan your retirement around the sale of your book. Your book is a marketing tool used to sell YOU and your services — not an ATM.

The price you charge for your book is dependent upon the perceived V.A.L.U.E.

  • V = VISUAL IMPRESSION. Yes, you really can tell a book by its cover . . . and its interiors . . . and its content. Sub-quality books will reap sub-quality sales. Your book is quite often the very first impression someone has of you, and you want it to represent your brand — which is why you hire experienced, professional publishing consultants, editors, and designers. A professional, polished book will allow you to charge more for your book.
  • A = ALIGNMENT. Make sure your Brand Platform and your Author Platform are in alignment and make sense to your audience. This is where your Visual, Verbal, and Virtual messaging should mirror each other and “speak the same language.” Your book should reflect what you say on your website, in your social media posts, and what comes out of your mouth when networking. Consistent messaging is a commodity and supports your brand by establishing “expert” status. As an expert, you can charge more for your knowledge (and your book).
  • L = LEVERAGE. Leverage your knowledge about your target audience. Provide them useful or necessary information. What do they wake up in the middle of the night worried about? What is the relief they are seeking? Make sure you include this relief — these answers in your book. Offer the relief your audience seeks and you can charge more for your book.
  • U = USER-FRIENDLY. Use the “parts” of the book to your advantage. Studies show a potential buyer will first . . .
    1. be attracted by the front cover image and easy-to-read fonts
    2. if they want more info, they turn the book over and read the highlights on the back cover; including an endorsement on the back adds credibility
    3. if you still have their attention and they still want more info, they look for details in the Table of Contents

The easier you make it for the consumer to “get” your book, the more likely they will buy it. The easier you make it for the consumer to read your book, the more likely they will actually finish the book and recommend it to someone else.

  • E = EXPECTATIONS. People who read non-fiction books in your genre are typically aficionados (or wannabees) of your topic. They will most likely have other books by other authors on the same or similar topic. Do your research. Learn what size of book (actual footprint size as well as number of pages) is typical for your genre, and what price range those books sell for. Does your consumer prefer paperback, hardback, ebook, or audio? If you are offering MORE, or NEW, or BETTER, think about upping your price in comparison to other authors in your genre. Meet your consumer in their comfort zone and you’ll likely see book sales increase.

YOU HAVE INTRINSIC VALUE. Allow yourself to be the expert you truly are and be willing to price your book accordingly. Then go buy that Venti coffee and celebrate.

To learn more about our Concierge Publishing Services or to schedule a Maximum Impact phone call with Cathy, you can access her calendar HERE.

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