Davis Creative Publishing

September’s L.I.F.T. (Living In Faith & Trust) Author: Lacha Hughes

Our L.I.F.T. (Living In Faith & Trust) Author this month is Lacha Hughes, for her book, God’s GPS: Your Guide to Finding Your Path, Purpose, and Peace.”
I met Lacha through a mutual friend, and immediately noticed her contagious exuberance for life and for helping others. It was a joy to help her bring her vision to life through her book.
“Allowing GOD’s GPS to guide you on your journey is what this book is all about. No matter your age or what you’ve been through, God has a purpose in life for you. As you learn to turn on and activate your GPS (God’s Positioning System), God can more easily guide you along the path to your purpose, and steer you in the right direction. If you are feeling discouraged, or if things are not moving fast enough, just remember to Let Go and Let God be your GPS. As you learn to trust GOD’s GPS, you become closer to God, letting God be your headlight and sit in the driver seat with you. He knows the right speed limit, he is always on-time, and you begin to see your path more clearly.” ~ Lacha Hughes
A quick, but impactful read, “God’s GPS” is available through Amazon.com and everywhere books are sold.
MEET LACHA! If you are in the Kansas city area on September 22, 4-8pm, join Lacha for a book signing at Lufti’s: 3037 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64108. If you’d like to invite Lacha to visit with your community, you can reach out to Lacha HERE, or visit her website for further info.

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