Thank you for your recent referrals! Because of you, we are able to help more small business owners grow their businesses!
A long-time client recently commented . . .
“People are amazed when we tell them we are self-published. The books you design for us look like they have been produced by a traditional publisher!”
We invest 100% of our time and energy to delivering first-class service to our clients. As a result, our valued clients, suppliers, and friends continue to refer their family, friends and business associates to us for advice when they are ready to Brand, Design and Publish.
Who else do you know who deserves the extra care and attention we provide our clients?
We aren’t looking for just anyone.
We are expanding our SPHERE of Influence to include more people like you — people and businesses who . . .
S = Serve their community through their business — be it city, state, around the country or throughout the world
P = Professional experts — passionate about what they offer and how they can help
H = Heart-centered and health-minded — be it mental-, physical-, financial- or social-health
E = Energized and excited about bringing a better way of “being” or “doing” to the world
R = Respectful of diversity and welcoming of all positive paths, be it race, religion or gender
E = Entrepreneurial in mindset and eager to grow their business and help others along the way
There is SO MUCH more to great book design than fonts, colors and Create Space.
If you’d like to learn more about our SPHERE of Influence Referral Program, or how we can help you grow your business with our Brand, Design and Publish programs, contact [email protected] or 888-598-0886.