Davis Creative Publishing

Creating Community

As our immediate neighborhood and region remain in quarantine and we continue to shelter in place, I recognize the irony of getting to know my neighbors better – even if it is only carrying on a conversation across a driveway or shouting, “Good Morning” across the street. People are missing their work community and starting to more readily embrace their actual “neighborhood” community.

At Davis Creative Publishing Partners, we take pride in our community of Inspiring Authors who have reached out to us over the years. If you’ve been thinking about writing a book, but may not know where to start, we can help.

Now is the time to take action and make a professional statement. Find out how the power of publishing can help you look good, get noticed, and grow your business . . .

We offer several FREE options and low price-point programs to help you . . .

  1. FREE 30-minute Maximum Impact Conversations. Connect to Cathy’s calendar HERE to schedule time to talk and ask questions about self-publishing. Whatever is on your mind. You do not need to be an existing client.
  2. FREE Pop-Up Publishing Q&A: Join us via ZOOM, the second Tuesday, 11:30 am central, for Q&A. Bring questions, we’ll have answersRegister HERE.
  3. FREE Inspiring Authors Lunch & Learn: Have lunch at your desk (or on your deck) on the fourth Thursday of every month, 11:30 am. Join me via ZOOM as Cathy interviews authors and industry experts on ways to help monetize your book. Register HERE.
  4. Ready to tip-toe into the world of publishing? Write a single chapter in our next anthology and share the cost of publishing through the power of collaboration with other authors. Currently accepting a FEW more chapters through August 15th for BRIGHT SPOTS (click link to learn more).
  5. Payment plans, mini deposits, deferred payments, installment plans, and potential barter arrangements. Email Cathy for more info.

As your Publishing Partner, we’d love to welcome you into our community of Inspiring Authors. Our job is to make the process easier and less stressful for you. We take the mystery out of self-publishing, help you avoid the pitfalls, and guarantee your book will not look self-published . . . but, it WILL rival the professional impact of any of the top 6 traditional publishers.

Got questions? Reach out.

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