So, let the games begin.
The “to-do” list says, “update website”. There’s nothing wrong with the old one, other than a need to look more current and up-to-date. According to our consultant, it needs to “SEMPLI-FI”.
When checking the meaning of the original Marine Corp motto, “Semper Fi”, it translates loosely into, “Always faithful”. That works for me.
So, how does one “SEMPLI-FI” a website?
- stay true (faithful) to your brand
- know your WHO, WHY, WHAT
- be succinct; eliminate unnecessary verbiage
- address your message to your prime target audience
- create long-term relationships with targeted audiences
So, our first few steps were to . . .
- reorganize and simplify the site map
- review and edit all existing copy
- create the “golden thread” of brand messaging throughout all pages
For additional help with the “SEMPLI-FI” process for your website, contact Cathy.