“Oh, I’m bein’ followed by a moon shadow,
moon shadow, moon shadow . . .
Leapin and hoppin’ on a moon shadow,
moon shadow, moon shadow . . .”
~ Cat Stevens (AKA: Yusef Islam)
Those of you who have followed my weekly writings may recognize this photo from Summer 2016 when I was able to capture a full moon AND lightning with my cell phone camera. I was in heaven, and OH SO EXCITED to capture this shot!
I’ve always been fascinated by the sky . . . especially the night sky . . . since I was a toddler. It probably helped having an uncle who was a rocket scientist for NASA.
I remember sitting outside at my Grandmother’s house (lakeside – no street lights!) with my uncle Joe, listening to him point out the constellations and the phases of the moon in the pitch-black night sky. Somehow the joy and excitement in his voice still rings in my memory, as I continue to find myself looking for the next full moon each month!
He was the first to point out to me the changes of the moon, and I remember running outside at night to check to see how it had changed since the last evening. If the weather was cold, I’d run from window-to-window seeing if I could find the moon.
Fast forward several decades, and I am still fascinated by the moon. Living in an area where we got to experience the TOTAL ECLIPSE of 2017 this past Monday was quite exciting, to say the very least.

Teaching the newest generation in the family to “trace over all the crescent moons with your sidewalk chalk” . . . instilling the same awe and admiration for our planet, our constellations and the amazing, unbelievable once-on-a-lifetime experience of a total eclipse . . . PRICELESS.