Many of you have heard stories about my family roots, me growing up in Oklahoma and how my Cherokee ancestors traversed the Trail of Tears, settling in Kansas and Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl. Census records show the original Cherokee family name of SAU-WAH-GEE in the late 1700’s, and later, OO-YAH-SEE-WAH-TAH (perhaps, Oooh, Yeah, See Water!?) appears in the mid-1800’s. A look back on old family photos invariably show stern faces, furrowed brows and nary a smile. It was a tough crowd enduring a tough time.
The photo above shows my Great-Grandfather, John Henry Miller standing in the back row, left. Census records show he was born in 1880, so the photo is probably circa 1890-1895. Those rough-and-tough times of uncertainty bred new generations of determination. He and my great-grandmother, Nancy Anne Mahoney, had 13 children in a 4-room house with an outhouse out back. I can only imagine how crazy that might have been during those long WINDY winters on the snowy Kansas plains. I guess that’s how they all learned their determination to survive! Most of those 13 siblings and their offspring went on to become farmers, ranchers, oilmen, retailers, barbers, beauticians, restaurateurs (the corner cafe), brewers, and more. If you couldn’t find a job, you created one for yourself.
There is definitely a thread of DeterminACTION in my DNA. Must be why I am so determined to not only grow our business, but to help our clients find ways to grow theirs as well. Just as strong roots help to build strong family ties, a sturdy, succinct brand foundation is necessary for building a strong tribe of followers and a growing business.
At Davis Creative, we’ve been busy creating new programs and offerings to help you attract more clients, help more people and grow your business.
- Define, Design, Deliver Brand Identity Program — perfect for professional service providers and those in the “helping and healing” professions; includes a brand review and recommendations customized to help you grow your unique offerings.
- “Summer Sizzle” Webinars — a series of FREE monthly Lunch & Learns where I interview people from around the country who are supporting self-published authors
- “Living the INNERGIZED Life” Anthology — an economical way for authors to experience non-fiction self-publishing by submitting ONE chapter as a part of a compilation, with the common theme of “inner strength” (50% of the chapters have already sold, with a chapter deadline of 8/1/17)
- “Ready, Set, Publish!” Program — for aspiring non-fiction authors who recognize the value of having a book to promote their brand, may not yet have a book, or have one started and aren’t too sure how to complete it or make it “sellable”. We mentor them through the self-publishing process, pair them up with writing coaches/ghostwriters, and help them write and/or complete their book (print and e-books).
- Referral Rebates — Build up credits on your account to use now, or at a later date. Whether you are an existing client, or a yet-to-be client, each time you refer a new client to Davis Creative, you receive credits-on-account equal to 10% of the value of your referral’s first project with us. Simply send us an email introduction or remind your referral to mention your name when contacting us. We’ll notify you of your credits with a monthly statement.